Monday, January 9, 2012

Welcome to Food Heaven

Hello and welcome to the most delicious, flavourful, and nutritious foods you will ever eat!

If someone had asked me 6 years ago what raw food looked like, I would have thought of a plate with some sad looking carrot sticks and perhaps a little celery or apple. BO-RING. I also would have thought "ewww, raw meat? raw milk? raw eggs? gross!" (Not realizing that most raw foodists are vegan)

Since then, 6 years ago that is, my personal journey for a better life, a better planet, and a healthier me led down the path of vegetarianism, then veganism, then wheat-free veganism, and now... into the wonderful and vibrant life of RAW LIVING!

At this point, I don't eat raw 100% of the time. A few days per week it will happen naturally, however I still occasionally grill up some tofu, make a bit of rice, or have a piece of homemade (from scratch, and I'm talking grinding flour from seed kind of scratch) spelt toast. If I'm out in the city I may have lunch at the little local vegan shop, which is delicious but by no means raw. I find that my desire for cooked foods has decreased significantly. Cooked food seems so limp, bland, and flavourless to me now. If I do have something that has been cooked, it's usually fairly simple and plain, like quinoa or grilled tempeh. I'm only a couple weeks into this, so I'm sure my diet will change shape with time - it always does!

I created this blog to document the exciting culinary creations and adventures in raw food. I love to cook and bake and share my food with others, so this is no different! I am juicing, blending, grinding, dehydrating, and spiralizing my way to good health (and if you're lucky enough to be in my way - I'll share!)

In just the short time that I've been doing this, I feel so much more alive; happy, strong and vibrant. I'm light and radiant and full of energy! All that, and I still get to eat chocolate!!

In fact, raw cacao is actually a superfood. It is good for your circulatory system and good for your mood (naturally produces serotonin!).

I made the following for my boyfriend's birthday, which is tomorrow. I've eaten three in the last two hours. (They are addictive: don't say I didn't warn you)

Here is the glorious photo evidence (this is BEFORE they went in the fridge, so not totally firm yet, and not yet devoured by yours truly):

Raw Chocolate Coconut Macaroons
1 & 1/2c raw shredded coconut
3/4c raw cacao powder
1/8c raw extra virgin coconut oil, room temperature
1/2c raw agave syrup (you could use maple syrup if that's what you have). Add a pinch of sea salt, and a splash of vanilla to taste.

In a bowl, combine all ingredients together and work until thoroughly mixed. Shape into balls and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes, or until you can't stand waiting any longer!!

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