Saturday, January 14, 2012

Kale Chips Rock My Socks Off

I have been working on perfecting my kale chip recipe. And I don't mean tweaking one out of a book, or finding something yummy each time. I mean - PER-FECT-ING "my" recipe.
I have this inspired idea that I will sell raw vegan treats at the local Farmer's Market this summer. My boyfriend already has to go to sell his organic produce, so I can tag along with my yummy snacks.

The first of the recipes to perfect: Kale Chips. These have to be THE. BEST... they are my favourite snack, and hopefully these along with some macaroons will be my signature sellers :)

Anyways, here is a purdy picture of todays batch. They are getting close to perfect, although this batch was not of the highest standard as I was tied up for a few days and my kale wasn't as gorgeous and crisp as I would have liked. Oh well - I will post when I strike gold and create the perfect Kale Chip ~

For now, these are pretty DANG great!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Feeling Amazing

So I'm about.. oh, not quite two weeks into this raw food thing, and I am LOVING every second of it!! I feel so great. My body feels great, my clothes fit great, I have tons of energy and feel like EVERYTHING is inspiring me.

I will write a nice long post tomorrow, but I'm going to go read and snuggle with my partner. He's doing raw with me as well, and also digging it big time.

Last night's dinner: Creamy Fettuccine Alfredo

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Easy as 1-2-3.

Step One: Soak flax crackers for an hour. (1c Flax, 1.5c water)
Step Two: Add tamari to taste. (I like 2tbsp or so, more if you like it strong, less if you like it light)
Step Three: Dehydrate & Devour!!

Food Porn

I admit, this blog is likely going to be predominantly food porn. I'm collecting photos of delicious foods so I can drool over them later, and reminisce about how mouth-wateringly flavourful and tasty they were.

So, let's get on with it:

Red Pepper Wrap

This was super easy to make and tasted like heaven. Downfall? Expensive. 900 grams of red peppers is hard to find cheap in the winter. I went to the discount section of the local organic food co-op and picked up a couple of bags of peppers that were considered past their prime, but upon inspection there was NOTHING wrong with them!! This is a smart and cheap way to get nice organic produce in the winter. In the summer, my partner is an Organic Master Gardener so we will have alllllll the veggies our little hearts could desire. Well, almost... :)

Anyways - this wrap was made from red peppers, tomatoes, an avacado, some psyllium husk and sea salt. I got the recipe from "Going Raw" by Judita Wignall. It was one of the first things I made, and it was wonderful.

The filling I made up myself - loaded it with fresh veggies (spinach, tomato, celery, chives, carrot, cucumber) and the sauce. Oh, the sauce. I soaked some cashews and then blended them with nutritional yeast, raw spices, lemon juice, and garlic. We topped the veggies and cashew cheese filling with sprouted mung bean.

Delish. I highly recommend!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Welcome to Food Heaven

Hello and welcome to the most delicious, flavourful, and nutritious foods you will ever eat!

If someone had asked me 6 years ago what raw food looked like, I would have thought of a plate with some sad looking carrot sticks and perhaps a little celery or apple. BO-RING. I also would have thought "ewww, raw meat? raw milk? raw eggs? gross!" (Not realizing that most raw foodists are vegan)

Since then, 6 years ago that is, my personal journey for a better life, a better planet, and a healthier me led down the path of vegetarianism, then veganism, then wheat-free veganism, and now... into the wonderful and vibrant life of RAW LIVING!

At this point, I don't eat raw 100% of the time. A few days per week it will happen naturally, however I still occasionally grill up some tofu, make a bit of rice, or have a piece of homemade (from scratch, and I'm talking grinding flour from seed kind of scratch) spelt toast. If I'm out in the city I may have lunch at the little local vegan shop, which is delicious but by no means raw. I find that my desire for cooked foods has decreased significantly. Cooked food seems so limp, bland, and flavourless to me now. If I do have something that has been cooked, it's usually fairly simple and plain, like quinoa or grilled tempeh. I'm only a couple weeks into this, so I'm sure my diet will change shape with time - it always does!

I created this blog to document the exciting culinary creations and adventures in raw food. I love to cook and bake and share my food with others, so this is no different! I am juicing, blending, grinding, dehydrating, and spiralizing my way to good health (and if you're lucky enough to be in my way - I'll share!)

In just the short time that I've been doing this, I feel so much more alive; happy, strong and vibrant. I'm light and radiant and full of energy! All that, and I still get to eat chocolate!!

In fact, raw cacao is actually a superfood. It is good for your circulatory system and good for your mood (naturally produces serotonin!).

I made the following for my boyfriend's birthday, which is tomorrow. I've eaten three in the last two hours. (They are addictive: don't say I didn't warn you)

Here is the glorious photo evidence (this is BEFORE they went in the fridge, so not totally firm yet, and not yet devoured by yours truly):

Raw Chocolate Coconut Macaroons
1 & 1/2c raw shredded coconut
3/4c raw cacao powder
1/8c raw extra virgin coconut oil, room temperature
1/2c raw agave syrup (you could use maple syrup if that's what you have). Add a pinch of sea salt, and a splash of vanilla to taste.

In a bowl, combine all ingredients together and work until thoroughly mixed. Shape into balls and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes, or until you can't stand waiting any longer!!